What happened to the chromosome arm level copy number data

The arm-level copy number data used to be in the Data Explorer, but now I can not find it anywhere, even in the download section. Can you tell me what happened to it?

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The arm-level copy number dataset was removed from data explorer in error with the 24Q4 update. Thanks for pointing this out – I’ll restore it this afternoon.

Regardless of it appearing in Data Explorer or not, you should still be able to find it in the download section. I went to the “All data” tab of the downloads section and used the search there and turned up the files:

Here’s a direct link to the file set containing the files: https://depmap.org/portal/data_page/?tab=allData&releasename=CCLE+arm-level+CNAs

I’ll update once the public portal has this dataset visible in Data Explorer again.

Thanks again for letting us know it is missing from Data Explorer.


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The Arm-level CNA dataset has been added back to the portal.


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