Missing orange (damaging) and red (hot-spot) dots on perturbation plots

Hi Guys,

Thank you for developing and maintaining this amazing resource! I have a question, which might as well being a bug: I have noticed that on perturbation view on the gene pages, I can’t see cell lines with damaging (orange) or hot-spot (red) mutations recently (not ever for KRAS). It might be that these cell lines are just covered by blue dots, or something else has changed, because I firmly remember there were quite many of them, especially for essential genes. However browsing many genes, I could not see any. I can imagine something has changed because the 23Q2 release was very recently.

Unfortunately I cannot manually check this because there are just too many dots, however it would take no time for you.

Thanks for looking into this for me.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and it looks like I must have not noticed your message when you first posted it. Someone forwarded it to me today, and you’re absolutely correct: The coloring by mutational status is broken and it broke due to a small change that was introduced in the 23Q2 release.

I’ve made fix for this which I’m planning on deploying on Monday morning.

Thanks again for reporting this!



The fix for this has been deployed and I’ve confirmed the colors are showing up correctly again.


Hi @pmontgom ,

Thank you so much for picking up the issue, I was not sure if the reason behind the lack of colors was simply software related or there were some underlying issues with the data, which I would expect to be much harder to resolve. Great to hear that the fix is out.
