In the CRISPRInferredGuideEfficacy.csv file there are sequences of sgRNAs and their efficacies, which If I understood correctly, are the probability (or at least some measurement) of how well they caused a loss of function in their target gene which were calculated using sgRNA log2fold change data from hundreds of cell-lines. Did I understand correctly? If not what is the meaning of the efficacy in that column?
I want some measurement of the effect of the sgRNA on its target gene, or at least a measurement for the loss of fitness to the cell for each sgRNA. If this measurement exists only per cell-line then what is the most appropriate data for me to use? If some measurement exists which accounts for all cell-lines, Is the data in CRISPRInferredGuideEfficacy the one that fits the best to my needs? if not what data is?
Where can I find a list of all the cell-lines that were experimented on?