Ah, okay, that I can answer easily.
778/1070 refers to 778 out of 1070 lines in the dataset are “dependent” as defined on the portal:
Now, to get the probability of dependency for each cell line, you can download CRISPR_gene_dependency.csv from the 22Q1 release (because the tile says the dataset is “CRISPR (DepMap 22Q1 Public + Score)” )
Now, if you pull out data for the gene you’re interested in then you can filter the lines for those who has a “probability of dependency” value which is > 0.5 (ie: The line has a gene effect value which looks more like one from an essential gene then a non-essential gene in that line) Those are the 778 lines the tile is talking about.
Lastly, regarding the hidden API, it’s documented along with the other portal APIs at DepMap APIs but there’s really almost no information there.
You cannot get anything other than the current release and there are no additional options. We only computed the values that we needed for displaying on the portal.