Can GISTIC 2.0 be run on CCLE_segment_cn.csv 2021Q4 directly?

Hi. I want to run GISTIC2 on the CCLE_segment_cn.csv version 2021Q4 to get a region-level data of each cell line. I have some questions.
First, I dont know if this segment file can be used for GISTIC2 analysis since it seems the Segment_Mean column (values of which are positive) is somewhat different from the Segment_Mean column (containing both positive and negative values) of the standard segment file.
Second, according to the GISTIC2 manual, a markers file is optional. I wonder how I can get the markers file or if I can run the GISTIC2 with default paramter.
Third, I have run GISTIC2 using resources_broad_hg38_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta and an error was reported:
Number of columns on line 2 of ASCII file /media/md2/BAB4C270B4C22EA7/resources_broad_hg38_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta must be the same as previous lines.
I wonder if I could use the UCSC hg38 fasta file.
Finally, is there any code example about gistic2 of CCLE data?

Can anyone else answer the question?

Hi. You can use this link to construct your marker file. Our segment files are 2^MEAN_LOG2_COPY_RATIO (more info here), so you’d need to apply a log2 transform to the data. Unfortunately we currently do not have a code to share. You can find the reference genome information here. -best