What is relative copy number/copy number ratio?

The ‘relative CN’ is the Segment_Mean from the segment file that covers the gene (padded and averaged across the coordinates). For the cell line you’re pointing to (ACH-000219) ENO4 is covered by the following segment in the segment file:

DepMap_ID	Chromosome	Start	End	Num_Probes	Segment_Mean	Source
ACH-000219	10	77116708	133797422	3634	1.060220	Sanger WES

The copy number value is log2(1.060220+1) = 1.04

To get the Segment_Mean we calculate 2^MEAN_LOG2_COPY_RATIO, where MEAN_LOG2_COPY_RATIO is the output from GATK4. MEAN_LOG2_COPY_RATIO is not exactly the log-transformed ‘relative CN to ploidy’ but rather the result of GATK4 tool which includes PoN correction through SVD and median adjustment plus a shift to 1.

The absolute copy numbers are from ABSOLUTE package. The inconsistency between the relative and absolute numbers can be due to incorrect inferences done by either/both algorithms.