Interpretation of Drug sensitivity AUC and Logfold change value

Dear Depmap team,

I have some questions regarding how to interpret Drug sensitivity AUC and Logfold change value during compound screening on cell lines:

  1. If cell line A has the higher the drug sensitivity AUC than cell line B on compound C, does it mean that cell line A is more sensitive than cell line B when treated with compound C?
  2. If cell line A has positive higher logfold change value than cell line B on compound C, does it mean that cell line A is more resistant than cell line B when treated with compound C? How about if cell line A has negative logfold change, what does it mean again?

Thank you in advance!


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Hi Marissa,

Higher AUC implies less sensitivity to the compound, similarly higher LFC also implies less sensitivity.

As a reasonable heuristic, you can consider AUC as the average of 2^LFC (i.e. foldchange viabilities) over different doses, so they are (roughly) increase and decrease together.


Hi Mustafa,
Thank you very much for the answer!

Hi Mustafa,

To follow up the question above, what is the LFC measured by? cell number in treatment group compared to DMSO group?


Yes, it is the log2 of the ratio of abundance of cells in treatment group vs the ones in the control (DMSO) group.

I want to learn about the first question of @Marissa

My understanding is
“if cell line A has a higher drug sensitivity AUC (Area Under the Curve) than cell line B when treated with compound C, it means that cell line A is more sensitive to the effects of compound C compared to cell line B.” I thought higher AUC correlates with a stronger or more significant response to compound C? Best,

Hi Amare,

Unfortunately, that’s not true AUC value is proportional to the viability level, therefore it is inversely proportional to the sensitivity.

AUC values typically change between 0 and 1, and a higher value implies the dose-response curve is closer to the y = 1 curve (i.e. inert).

Hi, is it expected that the auc values are quite often above 1.0? I am working on the “secondary-screen-dose-response-curve-parameters.csv” and 32% of values are above 1.0.

Help is veryy much appreciated!

Dear Mustafa_Kocak:
Is an AUC value greater than 1 meaningful? Can it be used for deep learning modeling? Because I believe an AUC value greater than 1 suggests that the drug cannot inhibit the corresponding cell line.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,