21Q2 CCLE_segment_cn.csv contains U instead of +,0,-


some CNV segments in 21Q2 CCLE_segment_cn.csv contains in amplification status column an U instead of expected +,0,-.


Download (direct from figshare):
Source: Broad Institute

File Description

Segment level copy number data - DepMap_ID - Chromosome - Start (bp start of the segment) - End (bp end of the segment) - Num_Probes (the number of targeting probes that make up this segment) - Segment_Mean (relative copy ratio for that segment) - amplification status (+,-,0)"

Is this a bug? If not what U stands for?

Best Regards,

Hi Dan, the ‘U’ means that the amplification status is unknown to us. You can read a bit more about this here. Let me know if that helps. -thanks