Thyroid cell line wron annotated

Dear all,

I saw, that the tyroid cell line FTC-133 from ECACC is listed as anaplastic cell line, but obviously it is an follicular cell line as also mentionend by ECACC (ECACC General Cell Collection: 94060901 FTC-133)

Can you please corrdect and how can such things happen?


Hi Danny,

We are sorry about this miss-annotation. Tracking thousands of lines across multiples groups and companies creates human errors. We are currently working on improving the system by aggregating annotations across multiple sources of truth like our vendors, cellosaurus, etc.

In the meantime I would give a word of caution about annotations on our/any platforms and recommend to always look at multiple ones. You can use our links to cell line passport and cellosaurus for more information about a sample.

Hope it helps!