Redundant, incompletely overlapping annotation of gene fusions

Hi, DepMap folks. I’m trying to use the DepMap 24Q2 Fusions dataset to identify cells with the BCR::ABL1 gene fusion, and I’ve noticed what looks like a mistake in the annotation: the dataset contains both “BCR-ABL1” and “ABL1-BCR” fusions, and the “BCR-ABL1” category appears to completely contain the “ABL1-BCR” category, plus a few more cell lines. The cell lines I see with both fusions annotated are KU812, JURLMK1, EM2, LAMA84, BV173, KYO1, SUPB15, KCL22, and MEG01. The cell lines with just “BCR-ABL1” annotated are CMLT1, K562 and NCO2.
Am I interpreting this correctly as a mistake in the annotation? Might there be analogous errors in other annotated fusions? Thanks!