Identify conditionally essential genes in clinical subgroups of a specific cancer type

Dear @jmmcfarl,

thank you very much for your time spent and updated response !! Apologies for my previous email, and I fully understand the scopus of the forum; without further causing disturbance, two very quick and major points that I was a bit confused, for the robust utilization and understanding of the genetic screens and data in DepMap portal:

  1. Regarding common essential genes, strongly selective and other terms utilized also in the forum: based on the following thread: Some measure of # of selective genes which I have also downloaded the file named “Gene Dependency Profile Summary”: I noticed for some genes such as KRAS, that are both strongly selective and common essential for some of the combo datasets; is this possible ?

  2. For final confirmation regarding the general utility purposes of using the DepMap portal: for a small description of any customized analysis using the gene effect scores; using for example CRISPR_common_essentials as one of the lists to remove “positive essential genes”, and then using like a threshold that is less of -1, could be considered overall an initial robust screening strategy? So the justification using also the relative publications is that anything like -1 or even lesser, most probably represent “positive essential genes”?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,
